Kamis, 13 September 2018

The Importance of Sport (Analytical Exposition Text)

I personally believe that sport is humanity’s important institutions for several reasons.

Firstly, Sport will increase the capacity in your brain. Sport increases energy and seretonin in the brain. accroding to director of Cooper venture Development Program, a division of cooper Aerobics Center in Dallas, USA. Seretonin is a hormone that functions as a modulator of the working capacity in a brain that includes regulating emotional stability, understanding and appetite. Therefore, people who doing sport will increase their productivity in their mindset.

Secondly, Sport will gives more energy. Even if doing sport 30 minutes a day, it will change person’s day from morning till night. A person will feel better energetic throughout the day.

Thirdly, doing sport will get good relationship . Sport will build good realtionship with another person who doing sport too. You will feel more close with the others. When you doing sport in outside . You will meet another people and make you more close with them or You doing sport with your friends/family so that the relation will more good.

Fourthly, Sport will avoid illness . Research shows that doing sport can slow down and prevent heart disease, stroke, high blood, cholesterol, diabetes, osteoporosys and many other diseases. Doing sport can decrease the aging process and increase the immune system.

Finally, doing sport will get many advantages for your life.

From the facts above, I conclude that doing sport is important for our life.

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